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It is our corporate mission to give and receive.

About BI

Base form

The brand symbol mark is a symbol representing the image of 'naturally', which is mainly used internally and externally, and is the most important key element of B.I. The brand symbol mark should be reproduced by using the reproduction material of this manual in principle, but if it is not possible to use it, it must use the suggested grid scale.

Grid Scale

The brand symbol mark is the most important element of 'naturally embroidered', and it must propagate and spread the image of 'naturally embroidered' through accurate use and management according to the image of 'naturally' in the internal and external communication. The shape, color, etc. of the symbol mark can not be arbitrarily changed. In principle, it is necessary to use the recycled materials of this manual to reproduce general photographic plates. However, if it is impossible to use them, you must use the suggested grid scale.

Exclusive Color / Color Usage (Color System)

Dedicated color is one of the most basic elements of 'natural dwelling' image along with Symbol Mark, Logotype. The exclusive coloring system is divided into main color group and auxiliary color group. Also, if you want to use the colors exemplified in this section, make sure to use the sample color table included in the manual reproduction data to ensure that the implementation is smooth.

Korean / English combination Signature - Korean / English

Signitch is intentionally designed to unify images by combining brand symbol marks and logotype systematically and effectively. Signitch can select appropriate type according to the situation of application media and develop signature system such as Korean and English to suit the function and use. Therefore, when signatures are applied, the precedence criteria for vertical combinations or horizontal combinations are not set separately, and proportions, intervals, and sizes can not be arbitrarily changed when signatures are used.